Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Summer Beats

Record Day 2008 was a few weeks ago.
I received the Sub Pop birthday CD Sampler {for FREE! - thnx earxtacy!}.
I made a list of bands that stood out to me from this sampler.
I loved: Grand Archives, Sera Cahone, Fleet Foxes, Wolf Parade & The Helio Sequence.

I will bump and pump this music loudly in my car this summer.
You guys should really check out Fleet Foxes and The Helio Sequence.

Fleet Foxes have a song that kind of reminds me of The Shins when they released "new slang" when it was called "when you notice the stripes" off of their self-released omnicom record label.. Fleet Foxes has a sweet sound that will pull you in. Campfire-esque.

Helio Sequence makes me think of the Beta Band, even though I never really listened to the Beta Band or could tell you the name of a Beta Band song. Helio Sequence has a cool electronic dreamy sound to them. They play a couple of their songs on WFPK. The song "Can't Say No" always seems to linger in my head after hearing it...

Can I get a shout out to public radio for playing the stuff I enjoy!
Thanks WFPK!!

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